Rabu, 09 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Eyelike Stickers: Dinosaurs by Workman Publishing

Eyelike Stickers: Dinosaurs by Workman Publishing

Eyelike Stickers: Dinosaurs

Eyelike Stickers: Dinosaurs by Workman Publishing PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

They’re reusable!  The sticker book series that kids love has a new addition: EyeLike Stickers: Dinosaurs.

Each book contains 400 full-color stickers that are amazingly detailed and lifelike in quality and are designed to be stuck on, peeled off, and stuck on again without tearing or losing their “stick.” The books’ inside covers are glossy illustrated backgrounds on which kids can create lively and original sticker scenes―and then change them whenever they like.

Prehistoric species come to life in Dinosaurs, featuring the fearsome T-rex, tanklike triceratops, lumbering apatosaurus, and soaring pterodactyl.

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