Differentiation Strategies for Science by Wendy Conklin, M.A. Ed.
Differentiation Strategies for Science by Wendy Conklin, M.A. Ed. PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Written specifically for K-12 science teachers, this resource provides the 'nuts and bolts' of differentiation. Presented in an easy-to-implement format, this handy notebook is designed to facilitate the understanding and process of writing differentiated lessons to accommodate all readiness levels, learning styles, and interests. The lessons are based on various differentiation strategies including tiered assignments, tiered graphic organizers, leveled questions, using realia, menu of options, stations/interest centers, discovery-based learning, and orbital studies. Additionally, the lessons are vertically aligned and provided at four different levels: K-12, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. 304pp. plus Teacher Resource CDFrom reader reviews:
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