Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Dry Etching Technology for Semiconductors by Kazuo Nojiri

Dry Etching Technology for Semiconductors by Kazuo Nojiri

Dry Etching Technology for Semiconductors

Dry Etching Technology for Semiconductors by Kazuo Nojiri PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book is a must-have reference to dry etching technology for semiconductors, which will enable engineers to develop new etching processes for further miniaturization and integration of semiconductor integrated circuits. The author describes the device manufacturing flow, and explains in which part of the flow dry etching is actually used. The content is designed as a practical guide for engineers working at chip makers, equipment suppliers and materials suppliers, and university students studying plasma, focusing on the topics they need most, such as detailed etching processes for each material (Si, SiO2, Metal etc) used in semiconductor devices, etching equipment used in manufacturing fabs, explanation of why a particular plasma source and gas chemistry are used for the etching of each material, and how to develop etching processes. The latest, key technologies are also described, such as 3D IC Etching, Dual Damascene Etching, Low-k Etching, Hi-k/Metal Gate Etching, FinFET Etching, Double Patterning etc.

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