Disciples Path - The Mission [Vol 6] (Member Book) by LifeWay Christian Resources
Disciples Path - The Mission [Vol 6] (Member Book) by LifeWay Christian Resources PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Mission Bible Study Book asks disciples to explore the question "What does a disciple do in relationship with the world?" Knowledge and community are only good as much as they serve a disciple on his or her mission. This study begins and ends with Jesus as it guides growing disciples along the journey to missionality together with Him. Like all the releases in the Disciples Path series, The Mission uses teaching, questions, conversation, exercises, and individual study to facilitate transformational discipleship through this dynamic yet personal Bible study experience. The sessions include: 1. Christ Came to Us 2. Christ Came with a Mission 3. Christ Came to Die 4. We Die with Christ 5. We Go with Christ 6. We Go Together with Christ The study includes an introduction to the weekly session topic, guided prayer options, and Scripture focus with text and narrative explanation that drives the weekly meeting. Also included each week are discussion questions and group exercises that reinforce the primary teaching points of each topic. Individual study and out-of-group activities have all been crafted to help users take their next step as disciples of Christ. These optional activities include but are not limited to reading plans, prayer exercises, personal study, and journaling. Features: -Bible study format, content, and activities created and written by practicing disciple-makers -Individual exercises to provide opportunities to practice discipleship -A personal Bible study plan Benefits: -Gain a greater depth of understanding of both God’s and an individual’s purpose and mission. -Examine the disciple’s crucial role. -Realize the centrality of Jesus in a disciple’s mission. -Facilitate transformation through modeling and practice. -Use as a "handbook" for one-on-one or two-on-one discipleship situations. -Lead effectively--requires minimal leader preparation and allows the facilitator to model what it means to be a disciple. -Initiate an intentional discipleship path with individuals or groups.From reader reviews:
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