Jumat, 04 September 2015

PDF⋙ The Black House by Curtis R. Cochran

The Black House by Curtis R. Cochran

The Black House

The Black House by Curtis R. Cochran PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is a story of a man named October who takes his past experiences to become a spring board for his imaginary adventure. Reality it is not, but true in so many ways that the actual thought of what is happening seems real. The novel is sketched with true events in the history of the U. S. After inheriting wealth October leaves New Orleans and sets out to make this world we live in a little bit better. In doing so he builds an underground structure that is named after a slang saying from a group of teenagers in St. Louis. These teenagers called the penitentiary (the black house). After accidently stumbling onto this venture, some supremacist FBI agents set the tone in this hunt for October and the Black House. In this world of fictitious characters that were made up from drug counselors of the V.A. Medical Center in New Orleans comes hope for the people of color. Seven souls of unique structure formed the alliance of the quest. After living in the real world that is dominated by politics and prejudices, the book reflects the existence of Christians to be a vital part of the world's predominance. There are good as well as bad people in this world. Black people go through a lot of indifferences by the way of the law, but Christians go through the worst treatment imagined. A cry for unity and peace transcends this country as of this date. October is charged with murder. This book was written to wake up all of God's children and to inspire the people of our time to become better for future generations to come. Thus ensuring that all will be well if and only we as black and white people get united with Christ.

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