Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Gifted and Talented Test Prep 1: Geared For NNAT and OLSAT For Ages 3-6 by Jack and Jill Publishing Inc

Gifted and Talented Test Prep 1: Geared For NNAT and OLSAT For Ages 3-6 by Jack and Jill Publishing Inc

Gifted and Talented Test Prep 1: Geared For NNAT and OLSAT For Ages 3-6

Gifted and Talented Test Prep 1: Geared For NNAT and OLSAT For Ages 3-6 by Jack and Jill Publishing Inc PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book is a 120 full color paged children's test prep workbook for gifted and talented training from ages 3-6. It is geared toward the NNAT and the OLSAT test, which is used widely as a gifted and talented qualification test. It may also be used to prep for other gifted and talented children's standardized tests. The book contains 10 different topics in which children will be able to learn different things. These topics are Identifying Colors and Shapes, Relating and Connecting Ideas, Completing Patterns, Counting, Number Patterns, Prepositions, Picture Analogies, Finding Differences, Finding Similarities, and Sequences. These exercises are meant to provoke and satisfy young children's curiosity and imagination in order to help them reach their fullest potential. A practice test is included at the end of the book with listening prompts that are meant to be read to the children, mocking real testing situations. This allows for parents to also play an active role in enhancing and furthering their children's learning process. Children who use this book will be able to learn alongside Jack and Jill, who are two characters in the book that appear in each topic, so that children may learn in a familiar environment. Our goal is to making the learning process enjoyable and fun for the children, because we believe that they will learn the most in this way. The book is colorful and kid-friendly. We wish you the best in this new and exciting journey!

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Gifted and Talented Test Prep 1: Geared For NNAT and OLSAT For Ages 3-6 by Jack and Jill Publishing Inc EPub

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