Senin, 31 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Reading Faithfully, Volume 2: Writings from the Archives: Frei's Theological Background by Hans W. Frei

Reading Faithfully, Volume 2: Writings from the Archives: Frei's Theological Background by Hans W. Frei

Reading Faithfully, Volume 2: Writings from the Archives: Frei's Theological Background

Reading Faithfully, Volume 2: Writings from the Archives: Frei's Theological Background by Hans W. Frei PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The influence of Hans Frei (1922-1988) is wide and deep in contemporary theology, even though he published little in his own lifetime. These two volumes collect a wide range of his letters, lectures, book reviews, and other items, many of them not previously available in print. Together, they display the range and richness of Frei's thinking, and provide new insights into the nature and implications of his work. They are an invaluable resource for all those interested in Frei's work, and for any interested in his central themes: the development of modern biblical hermeneutics, the interpretation of biblical narrative, and the figural interpretation of all reality in relation to the narrated identity of Jesus Christ.

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